Monthly TBR

October Goals

Hello book lovers! The spooky filled month of October is finally here. I am ready for fall and all the spooks in literature and film that I plan to read and watch this month.

I begin my fall term in earnest now so I know that I will not be reading as much as I would like to; most of my future reading will be assigned to me via a class. This being said my October TBR might still be a bit ambitious.


This month’s TBR primarly seems to be YA, but I do have a true crime book in the mix. I also have an anthology of stories inspired by Frankenstein which I am dying to start reading.

Creatures Victor Frankenstein was the first to unlock the key to life, but he would not be the last. Through two centuries of scientific enquiry and relentless advancement, five more minds found the secret, and five more creatures were made. Five more stories ended in tragedy.

From the 1840s to the modern day, from the race to publish the first anatomy to the desperate search for weapons to win the Second World War, telling the stories of the creatures that never were.

I love Mary Shelley’s original tale and I loved Kiersten White’s interpretation with The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein , and I electrified with excitement for this book!

Its official release date will be October 16th so make sure to pre-order it or keep an eye out for my review of it within a week or two.

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset I am also incredibly honored and excited to be hosting my first ever Bookstagram Challenge this month. I will be hosting #BookishSpookshelf along with my dear friend Emma who is known as EmmasBookshelf on Instagram and as Reading By The Light of the Moon here on the blog-o-sphere. Let me know if you will be partaking in the spooky fun in this autumn inspired challenge.

Another thing I want to accomplish is see The Hate U Give movie that will be in movie theaters on October 19th. I loved the book. I thought it was timely and though provoking as well as action inducing.

The Hate U Give Movie Poster

It is one thing for a book to have you thinking seriously about something, it is another for it to prompt action within an individual. I have high hopes that the adaption of the book will stir within me the same feelings of injustice and the need to DO something about said injustice. If it does this than I know many other audiences will feel the same and thus we can be the change we want to see in this world.

Let me know what you plan on reading and seeing this month—whether it be a film or a show. Is there any book that you think should be a on my TBR?

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